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Suwon-si Yeongtong-gu Lunchtime Parking Enforcement Exception Time

In Suwon-si Yeongtong-gu, the lunchtime parking enforcement exception time is from 11:00 AM to 2:30 PM, during which parking violations are not enforced to allow for parking on the shoulder lane for meals or business activities.

Lunchtime Parking Caution

Lunchtime parking allowance is primarily for small eateries located along roads with less than 6 lanes, and parking is allowed in these areas with caution to avoid obstructing traffic or causing inconvenience to others.

수원시 영통구 점심시간 주차단속 👈 클릭

Lunchtime Parking Enforcement Exception Locations

Restricted Areas Restricted Areas Restricted Areas
Bus Stops Crosswalks Intersections
Fire Hydrants Children Protection Zones Elderly Protection Zones

Additionally, double parking or obstructing traffic flow may lead to parking violations. Red-marked sidewalk areas indicate emergency parking facilities where enforcement is strictly implemented.

Avoiding Parking Enforcement

– Underground Parking Lots: Provide relatively spacious parking during lunchtime and are often overlooked by many.

– Parking Towers: Efficient multi-level parking solutions that offer convenience during lunchtime and help resolve parking issues in urban areas.

– Public Parking Lots: Some areas have public parking lots that allow parking even during lunchtime with convenient fee payments for unrestricted usage.

– Designated Unlimited Parking Spaces: Certain areas offer parking spaces without specified time limits, allowing unrestricted usage, but caution is advised to prevent misuse.

Parking Violation Fines

If you feel unjustly fined for illegal parking, you can apply for a reconsideration of the penalty within 20 days of receiving the preliminary fine notice from the municipal department. Valid reasons for reconsideration include but are not limited to vehicle theft, prior severe penalties, road construction or traffic control, emergency patient transport, assisting disabled individuals, and other compelling justifications.

자주 묻는 질문 FAQ

질문 1. 주차단속 예외 허용 시간은 언제인가요?

답변1. 예외 허용 시간은 평일 12:00부터 13:00까지입니다.

질문 2. 주정차 알림서비스는 어떻게 신청하나요?

답변 2. 주정차 알림서비스는 수원시 공식 홈페이지나 모바일 앱을 통해 신청할 수 있습니다.

질문 3. 알림을 받지 않고 주정차를 하면 어떤 경고나 벌칙이 가해지나요?

답변3. 알림을 받지 않고 주정차를 하게 되면 벌칙금이 부과될 수 있으니 꼭 주의하시기 바랍니다.

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